When it comes to avoiding credit card fraud, most of us know the basics. Only buy from trustworthy sites, make sure the waiter doesn’t run off with your credit card… anything else?
With card-not-present fraud
meaning credit card fraud that is done without a physical card on a sharp rise in Australia, we all need to be a little more cautious.How does credit card fraud happen?
How do scammers get your details?
How can you combat credit card fraud, or avoid it altogether?
Check your credit scores with Wisr
Head to your dashboard now and see where you stand.
Disclaimer: This article contains general information only, and is not general advice or personal advice. Wisr Services does not recommend any product or service discussed in this article. You must get your own financial, taxation, or legal advice, and understand any risks before considering whether a product or service discussed in this article may be appropriate for you. We have taken reasonable efforts to ensure that the information is accurate at the time of publishing, but the information is subject to change. We may not update the article to reflect any change.