When a company lists on the ASX, it must appoint a share registry to manage its book of shareholders and the administration that comes along with it. This is a requirement of Australian law and the ASX.
The share registry will contact you (the shareholder) on behalf of the company for shareholder matters. They also manage things like holding or dividend statements, recording any changes in share ownership, the payment of dividends, shareholder purchase plan (SPP), distribution of company reports, and shareholder voting.
The reseasons to contact a Share Registry include:
Confirm your shareholdings
Replace lost paperwork
Change your address or email for company correspondence
Update TFN details
Provide dividend payment instructions
Change communication options (e.g. mail or email)
Find out your HIN or SRN
Wisr’s share registry is Link. If you are a Wisr shareholder, for further details, click here to be taken to the Link Investor Centre, email wzr@linkmarketservices.com.au or contact them at + 61 1300 554 474 8:30 am to 7:30 pm - Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays).