If you or somebody you know is in financial trouble resulting from an unethical loan, call on your own behalf or refer them to the National Debt Hotline on 1800 007 007.
Q1: What is responsible lending?
Q2: Who makes the rules?
Q3: Is every lender a responsible lender?
If you or somebody you know is in financial trouble resulting from an unethical loan, call on your own behalf or refer them to the National Debt Hotline on 1800 007 007.
Q4: What are the responsible lending laws in Australia?
Q5: How do responsible lending laws affect my loan application?
Wisr's commitment to responsible lending
Disclaimer: This article contains general information only, and is not general advice or personal advice. Wisr Services does not recommend any product or service discussed in this article. You must get your own financial, taxation, or legal advice, and understand any risks before considering whether a product or service discussed in this article may be appropriate for you. We have taken reasonable efforts to ensure that the information is accurate at the time of publishing, but the information is subject to change. We may not update the article to reflect any change.