Wisr App Disclaimer

Important Information and Disclaimers

By accessing and/or using the App, you acknowledge that you have read and fully understood this Important Information and Disclaimer section and accept the following terms.

What is Wisr App?

1. Wisr App “Wisr App” or “App” or “Wisr Roundups” lets you track your financial wellness, and reach your financial goals faster.

2. Additionally, Wisr App allows you to:

a pay down your existing debts by providing a digital micro-payments product "Round-up Service" that offers an easy way to regularly contribute small amounts of your money to your nominated accounts

b check and monitor your credit score.

c view and manage your Wisr loan.

d learn about general financial topics by reading articles and completing exercises.

3. Wisr App is owned and operated by Wisr Finance “Wisr” ACN 119 503 221 as a 100% owned subsidiary of Wisr Limited ASX: WZR under Australian Financial Service Licence No. 458572. 

Wisr App is not personal financial product advice

4. Wisr is not a financial adviser and the App does not provide personal financial product advice. That is, the App does not provide advice about financial products that is based on your objectives, needs and personal circumstances. 

5. Any references to financial products provided by this App is of a general nature only, and is not intended as, nor is it a substitute for, personal advice in relation to a particular financial product or class of financial products. Any general financial product advice provided in this App does not take into account any of your particular financial objectives, situation or needs. You should not act on the basis of any general financial product advice contained on Wisr's website or the App without considering the appropriateness of that information, having regard to your objectives, personal situation and needs.

6. No recommendations are made to you in this App about particular financial products or classes of financial products. We may, however, offer loans in this App which are credit products. Credit products are regulated differently to financial products.

7. To the extent this App collects details relating to your objectives, financial situation and/or needs, such details are only applied to provide you with relevant factual information. We are not recommending any financial products to you when we make references to financial products.

8. To better understand how the information on this App relates to your personal circumstances, you should consider seeking independent legal, financial, tax, and/or other professional advice, as required.

Calculators and tools

9. The calculators and tools on this App are provided for your reference only and to illustrate various scenarios. Therefore, the outcomes of these calculators and tools are purely indicative and must not be taken as a replacement for professional advice.

10. Wisr has taken all reasonable care in preparing and designing the calculators and tools. However, Wisr gives no warranty and makes no representation as to the accuracy and/or personal suitability of the information generated by the calculators and tools, or that such information indicates you should follow a certain course of action.

Accuracy & reliability of information

11. Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information contained in Wisr’s website and this app, Wisr, its officers, employees and agents disclaim all liability except for any liability which by law cannot be excluded, for any error, inaccuracy in, or omission from the information contained on this website or any loss or damage suffered by any person directly or indirectly through relying on this information.


12. Wisr owns copyright in the information contained on this website. The information may not otherwise be reproduced and must not be distributed or transmitted to any other person or used in any way without the express approval of Wisr.

ABN 39 119 503 221
Level 9, 333 Kent St
Sydney NSW 2000