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Case study: Daniel

New year, new baby, new car! Daniel used his Wisr loan to purchase an environmentally friendly, family vehicle for him and his wife.

With a baby on the way and ambitions for summers filled with camping trips, it was time for Daniel to invest in a new car. 

When looking at the options for financing, Daniel was initially faced with car yards, which he laments, “don’t usually have the best reputations for honesty”, or with major banks, which Daniel didn’t trust or enjoy dealing with from past experiences. 

Daniel’s wife came across Wisr while comparing loan sites. The positive reviews coupled with the great interest rate drew them in. However, Daniel claims, “what sold me was the absolutely fantastic service. You’re able to get through to a person pretty much immediately, emails are responded to that day, it’s above and beyond. The response rate is fantastic, plain language, down-to-earth service - it was great!” 

A key component of the car search for Dan was ensuring that the vehicle was environmentally friendly. Counteracting the more significant C02 emissions of a larger vehicle meant that Dan ended up purchasing a hybrid that aligned with his values while still accommodating a larger family and providing a suitable, comfortable option for camping trips. Daniel’s Wisr loan meant that he was able to purchase a vehicle that balanced environmental responsibility with accommodation for a growing family. 

“What sold me was the absolutely fantastic service. You’re able to get through to a person pretty much immediately, emails are responded to that day, it’s above and beyond.”

Daniel, Wisr Loan Customer

While Daniel is on top of his finances these days, he encountered some sticky situations in his younger years. At University, Daniel turned to payday loans to get him over the line. Relying on casual pay and inconsistent hours meant that occasionally Daniel relied on these lenders to cover his basic needs.

However, Daniel reflects, “it could only be worse nowadays. There are so many young people working in the retail/ hospitality industries who have gone through the lockdown and with the out-of-control rent prices, it’s good to know there are companies like you guys out there.”

A lawyer by trade, Daniel’s top financial advice is to always read the fine print so you don’t end up behind the 8-ball playing catch-up. Doing their research meant that Daniel was able to get a loan with a great rate and flexible repayments to be paid off over 5 years. With his new car and summer just around the corner, Daniel can look forward to the festive season spending quality time with his growing family. 

Time for an upgrade?

Drive home in a new set of wheels with a Wisr car loan.

Explore car loans
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Disclaimer: This article contains general information only, and is not general advice or personal advice. Wisr Services does not recommend any product or service discussed in this article. You must get your own financial, taxation, or legal advice, and understand any risks before considering whether a product or service discussed in this article may be appropriate for you. We have taken reasonable efforts to ensure that the information is accurate at the time of publishing, but the information is subject to change. We may not update the article to reflect any change.

Anjani is a comms expert with over eight years of experience. She manages all things public relations and external comms for Wisr.

Anjani, Media and Communications Manager

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