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Money Memoir: Jacob

In our latest Money Memoir, we meet a uni student who will make you wish you still had the metabolism (and expendable income) of a 20-year-old.

As part of our Money Memoir series, we’re asking Wisr App users track their spending over the course of a week to give us a peek into their daily routines, spending habits, savings hacks and money mindset.

Meet Jacob, 20-year-old uni student from the Central Coast, NSW

Jacob has the metabolism we all wish we had. His regular trips through the McDonalds drive-through might make all you budget-conscious readers cringe – but at least he’s making the most of those transactions and contributing to his holiday fund with the help of Wisr App. 

Jacob is currently studying Business at uni and working part-time. He’s an avid gym-goer which balances out his penchant for takeaway. He’s lucky enough to live at home and only pay a marginal amount of board, so he’s able to spread his income across his savings pots and daily expenses.


Check out Jacob's Money Memoir on Instagram Reels: @wisraustralia


Morning: I started the morning in a typical self-sabotaging fashion, scrolling through social media before realising I was going to be late for work. Thankfully, traffic wasn’t too bad and I arrived in time to get my coffee fix $6.50 before turning on my customer service persona for the day.

Midday: I work at an electronics store in a busy shopping centre, so lunch choices are abundant. Today, I opt for an Oprego burger from Oporto $9.95. It did not disappoint. 

Evening: I’m living at home with my parents who, I should note, are legends! while I complete my uni degree. I can always count on Mum whipping up something tasty for dinner. I demolished my burrito bowl before heading to the gym. On the way home, I stopped at Woolies to get some snacks $5.90. I believe they call that balance. 

Total Spend: $18.30

Total Round up: $0.65


Morning: My iPhone stitched me up this morning and forgot to wake me up. I swing by McDonalds on my way to work and grab a sausage and egg McMuffin and a coffee $10.40. As I drive along, I ponder how many McMuffins it would take for my cholesterol to reach an alarming level, but I reassure myself that I’m probably safe for a few more years. 

Midday: We’re super busy in the store today so I skip my lunch break to help out on the floor. On the way home, ravenous and not thinking with my smart part, I pull into McDonalds again and order a double cheeseburger meal $10.60. Don’t judge me!

Evening: As usual, I had dinner at home before heading to the gym, followed by another late night sojourn at Woolies for some Chobani Fit Protein Yoghurt $4.87. I really am a creature of habit.

Total Spend: $25.87

Total Round up: $1.13


Morning: No work today so I slept in and wandered down to my local cafe for a coffee and a pastry $10.60

Midday: I spent a few hours doing uni work today – I’m studying a Bachelor of Business. When I’m at home, I always make my own lunch. Today was a chicken and pesto wrap – not bad, if I do say so myself. 

Evening: I had to do a bit of running around in the afternoon and went to the gym earlier than usual. I grabbed a frozen wellness bowl from Coles on the way home. I’m not a huge fan of microwave meals but there are some fairly tasty, healthy options available and there’s definitely something to be said for convenience $5.80.

Total Spend: $16.40

Total Round up: $0.60


Morning: I met a friend at the gym for an early session this morning. I was starving afterwards so I grabbed a shake and breakky burger on the way to work $11.20.

Midday: I thought I’d be a little adventurous on my lunch break and some satay chicken skewers $7.50 from a new pop-up restaurant in the food court. Big mistake – my stomach started playing tricks on me almost immediately. 

Evening: Mum came through with the goods for dinner again. After my unfortunate satay experience, I was glad to see a nice light salad with some crispy tofu on my plate.

Total Spend: $18.70 

Total Round up: $1.30


Morning: I attempted to make a coffee for my early start this morning, however, soon established that it tasted like donkey, so I met a friend at work for a coffee before our shift. $11.70

Midday: I opted for sushi on my lunch break today – salmon rolls with pickled ginger. Ooft. $11.80 I really do admire people who pack their own lunch every day…

I had a rather challenging interaction with a customer who upgraded her phone and then asked me to individually transfer all of the contacts from her hand-written address book into said phone. Safe to say another coffee was needed $5.80.

Evening: Fridays are a takeaway night in my house. I wouldn’t call it a tradition – it’s more of a habit. We had a streak of vegetarianism, opting for tofu stir frys from the local Thai restaurant or tasty curry and dahl from the Indian place down the road. But ever since my sister moved out, we’ve reverted to our carnivorous ways. I grab a family box from KFC on the way home from work. $29.95

Total Spend: $59.25

Total Round up: $0.75


Morning: I resisted the urge to order something on Deliveroo for breakfast. Instead, I made an omelette for my dad and I. In exchange, he made the coffees. He’s a bit of a coffee nut so it’s no surprise his tasted far better than the one I made the day before.

Midday: I spent the day hanging out with my girlfriend, catching up after a pretty hectic week. We headed to Guzman y Gomez for lunch our favourite place and downed a couple of burritos $19.60. I nearly shed a tear when I filled up my car at the petrol station – $1.98/litre! $93.50

Evening: In typical uni student fashion, we headed to the pub for happy hour and took advantage of the $5 vodka sunrises. It was great to catch up with my mates and throw back a few cold beverages on a hot day. And before you say it, there’s nothing wrong with a man enjoying a fruity drink at the pub. $28.90 

Total Spend: $142

Total Round up: $1


Morning: A double dose of caffeine was required before dealing with the weekend shoppers at work, so I downed a coffee before I left home my barista skills are slowly improving. I then popped into my local cafe and ordered a Vietnamese coffee if you know you know. $5.90 

Midday: Every man and their dog decided today was the day to buy a new phone so I had to cut my lunch break short. I wolfed down some sushi $8 and spent the next three hours with seaweed in my teeth and NOT ONE PERSON told me.

Evening: When I got home, a sat out on the deck with Mum, Dad and our ridiculously cute dachshund Toby. We had a few nibbles before dinner, which was crispy chicken tacos with guac and salsa. Sublime!

Total Spend: $13.90

Total Round up: $0.10


Upon reflection, it’s become apparent that I’m spending way too much money on convenience food. What can I say? I’m a sucker for a McMuffin. 

My total weekly spend came to $295 and I managed to round up $5.53.

I've also been adding a booster each week to plump up my holiday fund, so by the time our trip comes around in December, I should have an extra $372 to spend in Hawaii.

We've got more tea to spill.

Check out our other Money Memoirs from James, Tara and Susie.

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Disclaimer: This article contains general information only, and is not general advice or personal advice. Wisr Services does not recommend any product or service discussed in this article. You must get your own financial, taxation, or legal advice, and understand any risks before considering whether a product or service discussed in this article may be appropriate for you. We have taken reasonable efforts to ensure that the information is accurate at the time of publishing, but the information is subject to change. We may not update the article to reflect any change.

Anjani is a comms expert with over eight years of experience. She manages all things public relations and external comms for Wisr.

Anjani, Media and Communications Manager

Keep an eye out for more money memoirs soon